Galerie Dreikang
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To the exhibition Under the Cross in Moscow, Frankfurt am Main, Kassel, Eisleben (June 2000 June 2001):

This new wave of your works is unusual, it differs very much from what we have seen before. We are glad, that you do not lose the feeling of time, ist pulse, rhythm, and that your taste is as fine as before.

Your friends from the Cardiocentre


Here Ive seen for the first time the things Ive only heard of before.

Mark Otradinsky, student of Stroganov University


Im greeting this accord, enjoying it, and hope, that sometime a Rose will bloom in the middle of the cross. And the Great Mystery of the Cross and Rose the mystery of saving humanity - will ring in your heart.

Olga Twerdowa, Aromatherapie centre


Only moments, leading us to the first principles of life, Your moments on canvas and in wood, give one sensation of eternity and wonderful life on the cross. I wish you as many moments, that will be stopped by your talent and love, as posiible.

Eugeny Grigoryev


One wants to stop before each work over and over again, saturating oneself with sensations and at the same time comprehending some other, secret meaning of life.

Galina Blonsky, doctor


... a piece of something warm and a hope.



Symbols and notions may become plasticine. After the treatment they are alive.



Looking at your works and touching them, one touches nature itself and feels, that this art is alive.

Tatiana, immobility manager


I am happy, that everything, that I like in you as persons, Ive found in your works! Im full of delight!

Irina Dolzhenko, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre


Im delighted! With love,

Professor Dmitry Saprygin, Nina Gelings colleague and friend


This is the art of philosophers, collocutors and comforters. Thank you!

Irina Davydova, pianist, Riga


Mixed feelings. On the one side, a protest against reality, on the other, a man (humanity) crippled by our mad century. Amazing plasticity.Outburst. Fantastic. Thank you.

Ilya Baulow, distributor


These forms and pictures are a film subject.

Olga Kumeger, artist, computer graphics teacher


Ill never forget you!

Zinaida Demyanova, Stroganov University student


I keep asking a question: What is art and why?. Here and now is the answer: For the sake of beauty!.

Michail Gyorgy, graphic and artistic friend aus Romania


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